Friday, October 27, 2006

Graffiti Tunnels

On UCSD's campus, in Muir College, lies the unassuming Mandeville Hall. At first glance, there appears to be nothing of interest in this hard, grey cement building. However, upon venturing inside, one is astounded by the amazing colors and images spraypainted onto the walls by generations of students. Muir College is UCSD's second oldest college, founded in 1967 during the peak of the Counter Culture Revolution, and since then, inspired students have been tagging the halls with outburts of expression.

Unassuming Hallways. Nothing of interest here...right?

Multiple stories and halls filled wall to wall with graffiti accumulated over the decades!

Equipment left behind.

Sit back and relax!

I hope you enjoyed these photos and hopefully they'll put you in the mood to do some sightseeing of your own!

Experience UCSD

The University of California, San Diego is located in the beautiful city of La Jolla. Not only is the college campus walking distance from beautiful scenic beaches, but UCSD is also a center for cultural and artistic expression, whether it take the form of architecture, painting, music, or anything else. On this site I will post a photographic walkthrough of the campus's most thrilling exhibits. So if you plan on visiting UCSD soon (either as a tourist or prospective student) or if you are a current student, check this site out to learn about all the "hot spots" on campus so that you don't miss out on any part of the culture and beauty that make up the UCSD Experience.

Included Experiences:

-The world famous Stuart Art Collection (Sun God, the Trees, the Stone Bear, etc.)
-Blacks Beach and the Cliffs
-Che Cafe
-The Revelle Anchor
-Grafitti Hall
-the HSS Halls